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Using AWS cluster provider

AWS users must have the PowerUserAccess, SecretsManagerReadWrite permissions to be able to provision and destroy AWS EKS clusters.

Before provisioning the Kubernetes cluster, add override for the configuration file to scope deps for the target Kubernetes cluster.

# A complete list of all options can be found here
      # UserMappings is a list of user mappings
        # TODO: Add a list of users at the downstream project repository level
        - groups:
            - system:masters
          # UserARN is the AWS ARN for the user to map
          userarn: arn:aws:iam::{{ env "AWS_ACCOUNT_ID" }}:user/user1
          # UserName is a kubernetes RBAC user subject*/}}
          username: user1
    version: v1.29.8 # ^v?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*)\.?(\.0|[1-9][0-9]*)?$

## The machine pools configurations
    enabled: true
        instanceType: t3.medium
        # Labels specifies labels for the Kubernetes node objects
          db: app
        # Scaling specifies scaling for the ASG behind this pool
          maxSize: 1
          minSize: 1
    # Number of desired machines. Defaults to 1.
    replicas: 1
# ...

Using the example above and the example from the cluster-deps repository you can add the required number of machine pools depending on the requirements for distribution into individual roles.

For the AWS provider, before launching the actual provisioning of the cluster, RMK will perform the following preliminary steps:

To start provisioning a Kubernetes cluster, run the commands:

rmk cluster capi provision

When the cluster is ready, RMK automatically switches the Kubernetes context to the newly created cluster.

To destroy a Kubernetes cluster, run the command:

rmk cluster capi destroy

After the cluster is destroyed, RMK will delete the previously created SSH key and the context for the target Kubernetes cluster.

Last update: February 17, 2025