Initialization of Azure cluster provider¶
List of main attributes of the RMK configuration¶
name: rmk-test-develop # RMK config name, a unique identifier which consists of the project (tenant) name and the abbreviated name of the Git branch.
tenant: rmk-test # Tenant name, which is equivalent to the project name.
environment: develop # Environment name.
root-domain: # Root domain name used across the cluster.
cluster-provider: azure # Selected cluster provider.
# ...
key-vault-name: kv-ecc1c839a7b9bf5e # Azure Key Vault autogenerate name.
key-vault-uri: # Azure Key Vault API URL.
resource-group-name: rmk-test-sops-age-keys # Azure resource group name for Key Vault.
location: eastus # Azure location of the current Kubernetes cluster.
subscription-id: abcdef12-3456-7890-abcd-ef1234567890 # Azure subscription ID.
# ...
Having an subscription in Azure and a created service principal with access roles in IAM: Contributor, Key Vault Secrets Officer.
See the useful link.
Enable the following resource providers:
.See the useful link.
Allocated quotas for specific family VMs in the required region.
If an Azure service principal file was not created during the initial configuration, RMK will generate it automatically and store it at the following path:
The 3 supported configuration scenarios are:
- via RMK flags:
rmk config init --cluster-provider=azure \ --azure-client-id=<azure_client_id> \ --azure-client-secret=<azure_client_secret> \ --azure-location=eastus \ --azure-subscription-id=<azure_subscription_id> \ --azure-tenant-id=<azure_tenant_id>
- via environment variables
.export AZURE_CLIENT_ID=<azure_client_id> export AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET=<azure_client_secret> export AZURE_LOCATION=eastus export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=<azure_subscription_id> export AZURE_TENANT_ID=<azure_tenant_id> rmk config init --cluster-provider=azure
- via
using output of the az CLI:# login interactively: az login az ad sp create-for-rbac --name rmk-test --role contributor --scopes="/subscriptions/<azure_subscription_id>" --output json | \ rmk config init --cluster-provider=azure --azure-location=eastus --azure-service-principle
If environment variables were set before running the command, RMK will create an Azure service principal file based on their values. If flags are specified, RMK will prioritize them over environment variables, as CLI flags take precedence.
Custom resource group name for Azure Key Vault¶
By default, RMK generates the following Azure Key Vault resource group name:
For example:
If the service principal used for authorization has the Key Vault Secrets Officer role with a scope, e.g.:
pointing to a Azure Key Vault resource group, RMK will automatically determine its name based on this scope.
Alternatively, you can manually specify the custom resource group name when initializing RMK configuration for the
current environment using the optional --azure-key-vault-resource-group-name=<key_vault_resource_group>
rmk config init --cluster-provider=azure \
--azure-client-id=<azure_client_id> \
--azure-client-secret=<azure_client_secret> \
--azure-location=eastus \
--azure-subscription-id=<azure_subscription_id> \
--azure-tenant-id=<azure_tenant_id> \
--azure-key-vault-resource-group-name=<key_vault_resource_group> # Optional
Reconfiguration of the Azure service principal attributes if wrong credentials has been input¶
Modify the value of a specific flag if changes are needed:
rmk config init --azure-client-id=<new_azure_client_id> --azure-client-secret=<new_azure_client_secret>