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Development and release


Requirements for the availability of tools during development

Building from source

To build RMK from source, run the following GoReleaser command from the root of the repository:

goreleaser build --snapshot --clean

You can also use this command for recompilation of RMK during development.

Git workflow

In RMK development, we use the classic GitFlow workflow, embracing all its advantages and disadvantages.

The Git branch naming conventions are:

  • feature/<issue_key>-<issue_number>-<issue_description>
  • release/<SemVer2>
  • hotfix/<SemVer2>

For example:

  • feature/RMK-123-add-some-important-feature
  • release/v0.42.0
  • hotfix/v0.42.1


After accumulating a certain set of features in the develop branch, a release/<SemVer2> branch is created for the next release version. Then a pull request (PR) is made from the release/<SemVer2> branch to the master branch. This triggers a CI process that will build and release an intermediate version, the <SemVer2>-rc release candidate.

This version is available for update from RMK via the rmk update --release-candidate command and can be used for an intermediate or beta testing.

After successful testing, the PR is merged into the master branch, triggering another CI process that will release the stable RMK version.

All CI processes are performed using GoReleaser, including the publishing of artifacts for both the release and intermediate RMK versions.

Last update: February 17, 2025